Thursday, March 24, 2016

Making Easter Baskets

For a shared writing experience this week we made Easter baskets and chocolate nests!
Here are some of us with our finished work.

We then wrote stories about making our nests and how much we liked them.

Finn's writing

James' writing

Charlie's writing

Hemi's writing

Mia's writing

Then we completed a cut and paste sequencing activity.   We had to put the pictures in the correct order.  That way other people who want to make our nests can follow our picture instructions!
Sequencing activity by Milo

Sequencing activity by Alyssa

What a delicious treat!  Have a lovely Easter everyone!


Monday, March 21, 2016

Creepy crawlies and bug hunting

Our topic for part of this term has been Creepy Crawlies. We have really enjoyed learning about the tiny beasts in our environment. We went on a Creepy Crawlie hunt around school and found lots of interesting creatures in many places.

Checking out the lawn:

The Vegetable gardens were a bonanza!

We LOVED using the magnifying glasses.

We had time to check out our climbing skills on the spiders web! Don't we look like red spider mites?

Friday, March 11, 2016

Our Studio

We are currently developing the areas of our studio. 
We have named these after aspects of our natural environment.
Here are some of our fish ready for the blue Wai/Water room.

Look at our amazing spiders in the Forest/Ngahere  area!

Here are our snowflakes that are decorating the window in our Mountain/Maunga space.

Our self portraits decorate our Whanau space.  This is where we greet each other in the morning and do our whiteboards.  We meet here together at different times during the day.

Keep watching as we add to our displays and develop these areas!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Jelly, Jam and Buttered toast

In Discovery we opened our Toast Cafe, and our poem this week is all about breakfast food.

Jelly, jam and buttered toast.
I like breakfast food the most.
Cornflakes,toast and juice you squeeze,
Makes me say, pass more here please.

If I could choose and have my way- 
I'd eat breakfast food all day.