Friday, November 25, 2016

Green and growing

Green and Growing!!!!

During Discovery we have been super lucky to have Susan come and do gardening with us.
The broad bean plants that were planted were finally ready to be picked.

We carefully picked them off the plant. 

We tasted them.

We counted them.

We compared the lengths of them.

We had so many beans!!!!!!!

Next we pulled out the plants. Susan is going to put them in the compost bin.
We will plant our sunflowers in there next week.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Horses and Poi

This week we were busy reading when someone looked out of the window to see a horse galloping around on our newly opened field. We crept out of the studio as quietly as mice and sat down to watch and learn about keeping a horse. 

Later this week we went to visit the year 7 and 8's in their studio. They helped us to make poi as we are learning 'E rere taku poi'. We have been practicing a lot this week and adding in the poi movements is very exciting. We really enjoyed spending time with our Big Buddies.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Wonderful Writing

This week we have started to make our writing exciting by using a variety of activities to inspire the children to experiment and be creative with their stories.

We have been doing firework art and writing about the sounds that we heard and the colours that we saw.

T2 tasted lemons and used their senses to add detail to their writing.

We spent some time outside rolling down the bank on the field and used our senses to describe what we saw, felt, heard and smelt.

The children have really enjoyed the variety of activities and we have enjoyed reading their amazing stories.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Road Safety

Stop look and listen

Before you cross the street

Use your eyes Use your ears

Before you use your feet!

 Never stand behind a car because the driver will never see you, and will squish you.

Sneaky driveways are driveways that are hard to see down. We must go up to them slowly to check for any cars that could be coming out of them.

I need to stop, look and listen for cars before it is safe to cross the road.