Thursday, July 27, 2017


Today we were super lucky! A Korfball instructor called Yuri came and taught us a bit about Korfball. We learnt that the yellow 'hoops' are called Korfs and we took turns to shoot the ball into the hoops. 

We practised rolling the ball around our legs in a figure 8.

We all worked hard to share the ball and make sure everyone got to have a turn!

We had so much fun! We get to play Korfball next Thursday too!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Big Truck Adventure

One day this week Mr Wright came to show us is big truck.  He talked to us about achieving our dreams and how he had worked hard to own a fleet of big trucks.  We were so excited to be able to climb in and out of the truck and pull the big horn.  It was so loud!