Friday, August 25, 2017

The Great Wall of China

This week we spent some time learning about The Great Wall of China. We watched some videos and then talked about how could we build our Great Wall of Halswell?

We discussed how the wall was long not tall and how the people building the wall needed to work together to make it as amazing as it is.

Then we went outside on a beautiful sunny afternoon and built our own Great Wall of Halswell! We worked together to make the wall really long and added lots of watchtowers like the Great Wall of China.

Then we did some wonderful writing about the wall that we built!

Friday, August 18, 2017

The School Production

We have been hard at work practising for our role in the School Production - It's a Small World.  We have to make a film about China and we are going to do a lion dance.  In the photos, you can have a sneak peek of how two of us make a lion!  Don't let anyone else know though because we want people to think they are real lions!  We practised dancing and playing the instruments before we filmed.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Poetry Friday

We love our poems on Fridays. 


In today's we acted out lots of different animals:
A fly buzzing

A butterfly flying

A cat cleaning

A dog wagging it's tail

We love doing a good job with our work.

We are ACTIVE learners!

Friday, August 4, 2017

What a Great week!

This week we started our new area of learning on China. This will be the focus for the next few weeks as our part in the whole school play.  On Monday, Lucas's mum came in to show us traditional costumes and made us all spring rolls.  She was wonderful - thank you!

Mr McCallum told us a great Chinese legend about the 10 suns (except we only had time for 5!).  Ask the children to tell you the story about the naughty suns who kept saying "Nah, nah, nah, nah nah, we're too hot, Nah, nah, nah, nah nah, we won't stop!"

In another exciting event, an American space pilot came to tell us all about his life piloting SOFIA a space telescope.  He showed us amazing photographs and told us lots of interesting facts.